Ahmad Ali

reliable source of wise counsel

Only for Sakinah from Vietnam

IMG_3161Only for Sakinah, I pillion Mr Kien and rode into the city to Butterfly Souvenir Shop. The ride got me excited as it would be my first hand account of riding a bike in Ho Chin Minh City Vietnam. It would allow me a taste of the heart attacks which they were probably immune now.

Now I understand why they cover their faces when they ride. The smell from the exhaust was overwhelming. Luckily I was not asthmatic at the moment. Else I would have fallen off the bike. In fact I felt like spitting but i reckon it wouldnt be wise of me to spit. You know, it may just flew back and it another rider. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!

When we rode home, I took some short videos of our ride home. This is how they do it. I should have taken the video of when we went there. Mr Kien, for the sake of speed and time, pavement pun boleh!

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